Monday, 13 July 2009

Trousers and stuff...

Oh my golly gosh! I just almost got electrocuted... I was unplugging my laptop wirey thing and I got a big shock in my fingers... I then panicked about whether or not it could harm the squigglytiddlypeep. Then I realised I was being stupid because it was only my finger. So yeah... that was my near death experience for the day- on to other things! XD

I was in mothercare today (I'm obsessed with that shop at the moment!) and I bought the squigglytiddlypeep some pretty cool trousers! There's nothing special about them- I just like them a lot. They'll go really well with the green and black hoodie my grandmother has almost finished knitting him. Here's a pic!

Heh, anyways... I'd now go into a huge rant about my mother-type-thing... but I already did that yesterday on one of my LJ accounts, so I don't really see the point in going on and on about it... but gosh, that woman infuriates me sometimes!

This morning I was sitting here innocently eating cheesecake (such yumsome cheesecake...) when suddenly a spider scuttled across Rufus. It was fucking terrifying. To get on to Rufus, he must have had to crawl on me a bit. I don't know where he came from, but I think I need to use my spider spray stuff everywhere. *shudders*

Anyhows, I have nothing interesting to write about... I just needed my blog fix... So hoobletoodledoo!

1 comment:

Aliquant said...

Those trousers are hoobacious! :D