She's my dog (or maybe I'm her human). She's like a best friend combined with a mother, sister and daughter to me. She's amazing. We've been friends for almost 10 years now. It's her 10th birthday (in human years) in 6 days and I'm going to attempt to organise a birthday party for her. Reaching the age of 10 is a big achievement for her because about 6 years ago she was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Because of the size of it and where it was, they couldn't operate. The vet recommended that they put her to sleep. The day I found out was horrible. I thought she was going to die. I absolutely refused to let them kill her. Luckily my grandparents wanted her to live for as long as possible too. The vet said we could try treating her with drugs, but it would be very expensive and there was no guarantee that they would work. We went with the drugs. Six years later she's still alive and reasonably healthy. She is still on the drugs (which make her put on weight) but she's happy, quite healthy and the cancer has shrunk to the extent that you cant even feel it when you touch her (it was huge a few years ago). =]
The day I got Polly was one of the best days of my life. I'd wanted a dog for as long as I could remember. She was a few months old and we got her from a farmy place near Caernarfon. Some other people had her for like a day just before we had her. They brought her back to the farm because apparently she was a bad dog. I'm not sure how they got that impression, but hey ho! If they hadn't disliked her, I would never have got her! The moment she saw me, she jumped up into the car and curled up with her head on my lap. She was so friendly and we were best friends from that moment onwards. =]
She's super-friendly and super-gentle. Everyone says she's the friendliest dog they've ever met (although definitely not the most obedient). She tries to make friends with everything apart from spiders because like me, she's terrified of them. She lets rodents crawl on her and gets quite upset when cats wont make friends with her. She even does nothing if children pull on her tail. Her best animal friend was a hamster called Mr Nibbles (I'll get to a heartbreaking story about those two in a later blog).
During the night when everyone else is asleep, she follows me around the house. She sleeps on my bed every night, usually on top of my duvet so I can't sleep under it. She's practically human... So human in fact that she has a facebook! She's hoobacious! <3
Morrissey and Miyavi
Morrissey and Miyavi are my degus. I've had them for just over a year and a half and they're awesome!
Miyavi is huge (well, compared to Morrissey)! He's a very handsome degu with a big bushy tail. He's fairly friendly, but as soon as he's out of the cage, he charges around the room like a tornado... Chewing anything and everything in sight. So far he has wrecked 4 ipod speaker things, 2 telephone wires, the tv ariel, a lamp, a playstation controller, a mattress, a few cushions, a gryffindor cloak, numerous pieces of paper and a duvet cover. He has probably chewed through many more things that I can't remember right now. He's like the very hungry degupillar. I half expect him to make a cocoon and turn into a degufly at any moment. However, when it comes to eating real food, the only thing he really likes is degu food. He's not a fan of vegetables and stuff. Miyavi enjoys terrorising gerbils by transforming into Deguzilla climbing on their cage. You can't handle him unless you want to be up all night trying to get him back into his cage. He is quite the escapologist! He doesn't bite and quite likes being stroked on his belly. He's adorable! <3
Jarvis is my hamster. I bought him impulsively just over a year ago. He's still quite a jumpy little thing, but he lets people handle him and he doesn't bite. He was named after Jarvis Cocker because as soon as I saw him I thought he looked kind of like him... Nobody else can see the resemblance! Jarvis is quite an odd hamster. He can't quite grasp the concept of a wheel. No matter how much I try to teach him how to use it, he just wont do it! He likes to climb up behind it, usually getting stuck. Pretty much every hamster hoards food, but he does it like no other hamster I've ever met. He fills up whole tubes and gets really pissy with me whenever I remove the icky, rotting food from the bottom of the tube. He likes to put nuts in the metal bit on his water bottle and block it up, so I have to check his water bottle for nuts every few hours. When he's in his ball, he loves to torment the dog. He used to bang it repeatedly against doors until it opened, but now there is tape around it so he can't do that and incidentally, he spends a lot of time running into doors in a futile attempt to get out of his ball. He loves being in his ball though. If you talk to him, he always tries to talk back. He's totally hoobygroovy! <3

Maisy and Doris
I got Maisy and Doris on the day my mother found out I was pregnant. Like Jarvis, they were an impulse buy. I haven't known them for that long, but in the time I've known them they've managed to paint hoobloads of joy onto the canvas of my life. Maisy and Doris love to destroy toilet paper tubes. It's so cute to watch. They love to dig and make tunnels. Maisy is black and white. She is very friendly and inquisitive. She'll quite happily jump up onto my hand and have a cuddle. She always sits on the top bit of the cage to talk to me. Doris is white with red eyes. She will occasionally come and talk to me with Maisy, but rarely on her own. She's quite scared of everything. She'll pop her little head out of the underground tunnels and when she sees you looking at her, she'll go back down underground at the speed of light. They're both hoobelly groobelly! <3
1 comment:
What a hoobygroovy family you have!
I cried a bit when I read about Polly's cancer - what a fantabbyhooby doggy she is! Ruff! *PPWB*
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