Well, nothing interesting... Blahhhhhhh! Who's to say what's interesting and what's not? Might as well write about random crap... That seems to be what I usually do anyway! I hope there's something somebody will be vaguely interested in!
I HATE being 27 weeks pregnant. It's not because of any symptoms or things that are happening. It's because I hate the uncertainty as to which trimester I'm in. Loads of places say the third trimester starts at 27 weeks, some say it starts at 28 or 29 weeks and I've even seen one site that says it starts at 26 weeks. Am I in the second trimester or third? Nobody seems to know. I'm kind of fed up of the second trimester, so I'd quite like to count myself as being in the third trimester, but I can't... Not until I know for certain! Regardless of which trimester I'm in, there is now just less than 3 months until the baby is due. It's all getting scarily close!
In the jobcentre today, there was actually a nice person who worked there. Usually the people that work there are total fucktards. She didn't look down her nose at me and she didn't imply I was lying about stuff. It was totally bizarre!
Talkin' of bizarre, there was apparently weird ghostly stuff happening in my mother's house last night. I would write about it myself, but I'm going to try and persuade her to make a blog or something, so hopefully she'll write about it herself (everyone needs a blog). The stuff she described last night totally backed up my belief that children are very in tune to supernatural shizz until they are old enough for their minds to have been sculpted by society to me less perceptive. I'll write about the stuff my mum told me about in a later blog if I can't persuade her to start her own!
Here's a bit of advice... Never ever ever ever ever under any circumstances, spill sherbet down your top. I did it yesterday and it felt horrible as it was all in my bra and stuff. It felt worse than sand does, and it was even harder than sand to get off my skin because it went really sticky when I applied water.
Ooohhh... That reminds me! I had such a weird dream last night. I've been having nightmares pretty much every night recently, but last night was different. It wasn't a nightmare, but it was totally fucking scary... and rather hilarious to look back on! I was in the bath and my boob started leaking milk. I was no pregnanter than I am now. I collected some milk in my hand and sniffed it to see if it really was milk... It smelled just like soya milk, so that confirmed it was in fact milk. I poked it to see if it was just a flukey thing, but it wasn't. When I poked it, it leaked more and my nipple just kind of... expanded... into a weird shape (

Such a weird dream. I would never ever ever ever ever breast feed a degu!
I've been trying to work out why I had this dream... I think it was because I've recently heard too many stories about boob leakage and maybe because when I feed Morrissey his medicine out of a syringe, it's kind of like feeding a baby out of a bottle. Heh, yeah... weird dream. I'm going to have a look in my many dream analysis books later on (probably whilst in the bath and hoping for the dream not to come true).
Now that I have written about that dream (and possibly weirded out anyone who reads this) I think it's time for me to stop writing. :P
Haha! I love the dream! *hopes it doesn't come true though* ::)
That has to be THE best dream anyone on the world has ever had, ever!!
(Totally agree with you onthe kids-being-psychic thing ;))
Hahahaha thanks for that! It made me laugh heaps!
Glad things seem to be going well for ya!
Take care
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