Friday, 24 July 2009


Rarrrr! A rather crappy midwife appointment! >.<

Yesterday I woke up feeling fine. I had a midwife appointment which was bad enough because I had to pee on a stick. I'm getting used to peeing on sticks now though. It's so much less embarrassing to pee on a stick than give an actual urine sample!
She took my blood pressure, which as usual was on the low side of normal. When she was taking my blood pressure she commented that my pulse was really fast and asked if I was anxious about being there. For one of the first times ever, I wasn't actually anxious about being there. It was weird. Next was the super embarrassing bit. She was going to steal my blood. It was quite funny because the night before I had a conversation about midwives being vampires, and the midwife (without any prompting from me) started joking about how she felt like Dracula because she'd had to take so much blood from people that day! Anyhow, I usually love needles (yes, I'm a weirdo). I am always kind of fascinated by the tubes filling up with my blood when it's being stolen. I usually quite enjoy having blood taken. The thingy was in my arm, but for some reason the blood was dripping into the thing really slowly. I laughed at it a bit and suddenly felt really dizzy, like I was going to faint or something. The midwife took the thingy out of my arm and went to get the doctor and stuff. I could have died of shame. Blah, blahhh, blaahhhhh. I realised that my high pulse rate and the whole almost fainting thing made me look like I had suddenly developed some kinda needle phobia. The midwife thinks I'm probably just anaemic or something, but I think that's kind of weird considering I was far from anaemic a couple of months ago. But yeah, because of this incident I have to have the blood stolen at the hospital in a few days. I hate hospitals and was hoping I could avoid it until the actual birth. >.<
I left the doctorsy place quicker than they would have liked me to and I ended up puking after leaving (I don't remember the last time I had puked when not drunk or hungover). It was horrible.
It was all immensely embarrassing. Made worse by the fact that later on in the day the midwife phoned my grandmother to see if I was ok. I just don't do being all ill and stuff... Especially when other people know about it!
I was fine within a couple of hours. I hope nothing like this happens again. Recently heartburn has kicked in, I keep getting a very achey back and I'm getting really tired a lot. I officially hate being pregnant.
The squigglytiddlypeep is doing hoobacious though. He's still growing exactly the right amount and his heart beat is hoobacious! =D


DepressionFromNowhere said...

Heya, I really hope you're feeling better now, sorry you had such a bad appt. I'd have been embarrassed too. *hugs*

Glad the bub is doing so well, thta's great to hear, I bet you'll be a great mum!

Aliquant said...

LMAO that's hilarious that she said about being Dracula! XD XD XD
Anaemia sucks, everyone's always on at you to eat more broccoli, and everything gets blamed on anaemia from now on! You're tired? It's the anaemia making you sleepy. Got tummy ache? It's the anaemia not letting enough oxygen get to yer viscerals. Feeling sad/angry at something? That's the anaemia sapping all your strength and energy, thus lowering your tolerance to events and situations which otherwise you'd have no problem dealing with. Broken leg? That's the anaemia stealing all the goodness from your bones... or something... :P Point is, everything from now on is gonna be blamed on it. Moo @ anaemia >.<

But hurrah for little iver doing well! =D =D =D

Unknown said...

Hopefully it's not anaemia, just some stupid one off weird day! It seems weird that it could be anaemia as I was very unanaemic about 2 months ago! Heh, I'll probably know at some point in the future after my blood has been stolen! I really hope it's not anaemia. I don't like the thought of everything being blamed on one thing... It'd be hilarious if they started blaming being pregnant on it! XD

Aliquant said...

yeah, hope it's not it too... PMSL if you could get pregnant from it I'd have a whole litter by now!
Let the blogosphereknow how the hostiple appt goes and shizz =] :13328: