Saturday, 18 July 2009

So yeah, Morrissey is getting really good at the whole taking his medication thingy. Last night he wasn't as well behaved, but today he seems to enjoy it. I uploaded the video because I'm so proud of him! It was a craply filmed video, but I didn't film it so it can't be helped. He's still nothing like his usual self, but he definitely seems a lot better than yesterday! =]

I got Jarvis a new cage today (with the money I was going to use to buy a new bed, but hey ho) and he's quite confused by it. He doesn't yet understand that the bed part of it is where he's supposed to sleep, but he'll learn soon enough! He's had a few wheels in his time and he hasn't understood any of them. The one in this cage seems like it's going to be the one he finally learns about wheels in. He likes to climb on top of it and spin it round with his paws, but he actually went round in it for like two rotations... Yeah, he was cautiously walking, he looked confused and it might have been accidental, but he still did it. I really feel like he's finally getting somewhere... He's still a weird hamster though!

Anyhows, not sure what to write, so hoobletoodledoo!


Aliquant said...

OMG that made me cry!
I know it's not the same, but you're going to be such a good mummy =]

Unknown said...

lol! I'm not anywhere near as good with humans as I am with rodents and stuff... Hopefully I'll be an okish mummy though!

DepressionFromNowhere said...

I bet you'll be great hun!