Sunday, 29 June 2008

Reasons why it sucks to be female...

- Periods. Period.

- Can't shave our heads because it might look silly.

- Can't wander around outside topless with0ut getting arrested.

- Girls seem to get fat easier than guys.

- People automatically assume we're interested in makeup and stuff.

- 100% more chance of becoming pregnant.

- Can't wear guys clothing without being considered butch.

- Girls are generally shorter.

- Boobs get in the way sometimes.

- No chance whatsoever in becoming US president. (although being British and anti-government I really don't give a fuck about that!)

- There's too much male-chauvinism going on.

- All-male sports stuff is more popular... unless you do a really dumb sport like running.

- Girls are too bitchy.

- If you don't have at least 20 pairs of shoes, there must be something wrong with you. (I have 3 and am quite satisfied)

- Girls get drunk easier. (could be considered a good thing, but we also get TOO drunk more easily..)

- If you sleep with lots of people, you become a 'slut'. If guys do this they become some sort of 'stud'.

- People think you're less likely to be able to look after yourself.

- People automatically assume that you love watching romantic comedies.

- It looks worse if you have greasy hair.

- We have to (well, we don't have to - we just do!) remove leg hair, armpit hair and stuff.

- People assume we're evil or something if we don't call everyone 'hunni'.

- Burping and farting isn't 'ladylike'.

The list is endless, but I can't be bothered carrying it on. After writing this, I feel like getting a sex-change!

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