Wednesday 4 June 2008

Yet another pointless entry...

Odd... I just went out for a fag and came back indoors to find the grandfather awake. It was half 5 in the morning ffs! I'm usually the only person awake at this time.

Anyways... Yesterday was fun but random... Hung out with the Dyl and played battleships on the steps on the clock thing in the middle of Bangor! .. and bought loads of random crap. I also realized I want some piranhas! They rule, but I cant have them in my room because the degus might fall into the water or something... The grandmother wont let me have them anywhere else in the house either and my mum is a bitch when it comes to pets and stuff :(

Ooohhh.. I officially have boys underwear! ... Doctor Who underwear (age 13-14 to be precise). So yeah... I have David Tennant in inappropriate places! XD

Right now I'm listening to Michael Jackson, waiting for The Hoobs to come on and munching raisins.

I had a driving lesson yesterday and I did harder stuff than before. It was awesome! I went along the A55... 70mph =] .. and I realised that driving is a vaguely great stress-reliever! Driving is fun. I cant wait until I pass my test and shizz.

I've had Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in my head for almost 24 hours now! I can't get it out of my head. I like the song, but my head could have picked a better and less depressing Queen song!

Anyways... I must dash and feed Morrissey and Miyavi.

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