My sleep pattern is still absolutely fucked. I woke up approximately an hour ago, after 4.5 hours sleep (which is rather good for me).
At about 8am I went to the lake... It was fucking freezing! I swam fully clothed (jeans with a shirt and a tie for extra sophistication). It was rather fun... Although, here's a tip - Never try and do up a belt whilst treading water!.. It's rather difficult! (although in an emergency it does work!) Gosh.. I love swimming. The worst part of swimming is always getting in though! I spent more time getting into the lake than swimming in it! It was icy cold! It also motivated me to wash my hair for the first time in ages, as my twizzletuft seemed to contain half the contents of the lake.
My Hoobyforum is back =]. It was dead for a few days, then it wasn't letting new users register. All is hooby groovy now though!
I can't stop listening to The Dresden Dolls at the moment. In the last few months I have become gradually more obsessed. I've been into them for a few years, but I never anticipated becoming obsessed to this extent. Their work is pure genius...and I'm slightly in love with Amanda Palmer! (possibly to the same extent as Helena Bonham Carter!) Last week (or whenever No, Virginia came out) I was really shocked to discover that HMV didn't sell it! I had to buy it from COB records. HMV should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!
Right now I look a state! I'm wearing really old, grey trousers, my spy mission top (age 9-10 from the kids section of sainsburys!), my slipknot hoodie (which I've had since I was 10 and is still too big for me!) and my twizzletuft is all... fluffy and whatnot.
Might edit this on the other laptop later on and add photos and shizzle.
*has now added a photo* ... and wow I have so many drafts that I haven't actually posted! lol
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