Saturday, 28 June 2008

Another rather pointless blog.

Wow... It's rather dark tonight, much like any other night, but it feels darker for some reason. Not entirely sure why though. Oddness.
I had a rather bad hangover today. I had puke in my hair and it was vile! The hangover has gone now though. So hey ho!
I've been filling in the application form for sixth form. There's a part that says 'your interests in school', I'm not sure what to put there.. I was never really interested in school! I'm not really sure what to put in the 'your interests and hobbies out of school' either.. All I really do is sit around on the computer, drink diet coke, draw random things, listen to music and occasionally get rather wasted. I need to think of something to put that makes me sound good. I'm not exactly an A* student or anything. I really need them to let me back into school, otherwise I'll be completely screwed for another year. It's too late to apply to get back into college. Anyways, I think the subjects I'm going to choose are psychology, art, applied science and sociology.
Right now I'm listening to The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster and pondering what to do tonight. I might watch lots of FMA or something... I dunno.
I'm bored of writing this now, so hooble toodle doo!

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