Thursday, 26 June 2008

Irritating degu antics and whatnot.

My degus officially hate me. I just spent 3 - 4 hours trying to get them back in their cage. They were chewing up everything I own. They broke the only thing I have that'll charge my ipod. Not only were they wrecking things and stuff, but they were taunting me too. They knew I wanted them back in the cage, and Morrissey decided to keep crawling onto my lap or shoulder, letting me stroke him a bit and running away. Miyavi kept wandering across my laptop too. It was really quite amusing in a very annoying, frustrating kind of way. Thank fuck they're back in there though. If they were out of the cage for much longer it would have driven me even more insane than I already am. lol.

The hoobs is on in half an hour. I don't think I'm going to watch it though. I might, it's just I want to go for a swim in the lake at about 9am. I could get a couple of hours sleep. Alternatively, I could stay awake and guarantee I will be awake at 9... I need the exercise. I think I'll get changed into the clothes I'm going to wear at the lake now and have a short nap.. possibly downstairs so I'll get disturbed enough when people wake up. Meep.

Ooohhh.. I got the grandmother to phone school. They're going to send me a sixth form application form and stuff, so I might actually have something to do in september! YAYYY!! =]

Anyways, I'm off to get ready for the lake and stuff.


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