Sunday, 1 June 2008


=[ My middle finger and my pointy finger hurt. I just jammed them in the door. Twas rather painful.

I had this idea. I'd fix things by going out on a meaningless, pointless mission to do something or have some sort of revelation. So I got out my night vision goggles (because, well, what mission is complete without them?!), put on a plain black top and a black bandanna (so I blend in more with the darkness) and I was ready to leave. I then had a sudden realization that it was pointless to go on a mission with no actual purpose, so I sat down, utterly bewildered at my own stupidity.
I am now sitting on the sofa pondering. It's sunday night/monday morning so nowhere will be open. Shame really. I seem to have ran out of cigarettes.

Today has been bizarre. I think I managed to vaguely quit the game and replace it with the game of life. Funny how those two games are so similar. Although it could be argued that the game in question shouldn't really be counted as a game, just an oddity I somehow managed to sub-consciously create. Shit. I just lost the game because I'm writing about two games... now three! ... Confused? I don't blame you!

(about 5 hours later)

I'm watching my Die Hard dvd. Although I'm a girl, I want to be John McClane. I do not find him attractive. He is just a pure fucking legend. Yippee ki-yay motherfucker!

The one thing that really bugs me about Die Hard is Alan Rickmans accent in it. Alan Rickman usually talks really awesomely (especially in Harry Potter and Sweeney Todd) but in this it's ridiculous. He's still a legend though. Although in Die Hard nobody beats McClane!


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