The weekend was rather good!
(I did a more pictureyfied blog about it here...)
Got suitably intoxicated and didn't have a hangover! =] ... was rather surprised at the lack of hangover though!
We went to the beach and on the way there I was attacked by a tree! ... and people were jumping off high dune things... and I filled a big WKD bottle with sand and James fell down a hill!
I remember a small group of us in my tent, trying to keep the vodka as secret as possible! It was rather amusing!... and probably kind of obvious as we were sitting in a circle passing round a thing of cranberry juice!
And I remember going to near a tree to secretly drink the rest of the vodka when the cranberry juiceified stuff had ran out..
Ooohh.. and there was the usual everyone going with everyone thing..
And I remember my lip bar coming out loads..
And then I don't remember much until about 4am when me and Ben were laughing at Dyl sneezing and the fact that he picked a really weird time to put down his tent!
Then when most people had left, Me, Dyl and Michelle hung out on the beach all morning and had quite a laugh talking about what any normal person would find utterly disturbing!
And I still have half a beach and half a forest in my hair...
That will be all!
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