Sunday, 29 June 2008

Morrissey and Cigarettes...

Eep. I impulsively bought a ticket for the O2 Wireless Festival on July 4th. Only to see Morrissey really. It's in less than a week. I'm extremely terrified though because it means going to London alone and possibly hanging round Euston or Birmingham for about 4 or 5 hours. That part wont be fun at all. I'm not even sure the actual festival will be all that fun. After all, who wants to go to a festival alone? I'm insane i tell thee! INSANE! Although it is Morrissey, therefore should be good, no matter how alone I am. I hope it'll be ok. I don't really want to get murdered or anything. It's Morrissey though. I would give my life for Morrissey. He is my God... Absolute fucking legend. I'm glad I bought the ticket even though it's going to possibly be one of the scariest nights of my life! It's all worth it! *needs to stop impulsively buying things!*

What's with cigarette packets? People who start smoking are generally old enough to know the risks! My current pack says something along the lines of 'smoking causes impotence', I don't give a fuck! I'm female FFS! ... 'Smokers die younger' THANK GOD! I don't want to live until I'm about 80, I'd rather die young! Living past the age of 40 definitely doesn't seem worth the effort... Unless of course your name is Steven Patrick Morrissey.... 'Smoking kills' - yeah, we've all heard that one, but It kills indirectly! It's the cancer or the emphysema that kills. Not the cigarettes... I'm not sure why all this angers me, but meep! lol.

Anyways, I'm off to smoke cancer sticks, talk to rodents and drink diet coke.

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