Friday, 30 May 2008

A rather pointless entry...

Once again, I find myself sitting on the ground outside at 3am. It's nice out here, but it gets really cold really quickly. The sky is wonderful. So many stars and it's a beautiful shade of dark bluey black. I love the way that everything is so dark and there are no other colours but grey, blue and black at this time in the morning. It's weird, I'm wearing a stripey top at the moment, but I can't see the stripes.

I can hear my Sweeney Todd dvd from out here. It's evidently a lot louder than I thought it was... I hope it's annoying the neighbors!

I'm back inside now. It was fucking freezing out there! The dvd player is making funny noises. I don't like it. It's rather scary. Technology seems to hate me recently. Earlier it was my laptop, then my other laptop and now the dvd player!

Wow.. I've been writing this for almost an hour. (I've been doing 5 million other things too but meep!) I guess I have nothing even vaguely interesting to write about tonight.

I have eaten a ridiculous amount so far today... Possibly about 2 days worth of food. Not sure why though. Tis rather bizarre.

I'm watching Gothika for the first time in a few years. I'm actually getting quite into it, I didn't really like it a couple of years ago. I guess I must have grown up a lot or something... It's funny how you can find a film incredibly boring and a few years later find yourself liking it.

Anyways, I'm off to watch the film. Laters.

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