Sunday 10 May 2009

Toilet Origami..

Gosh, it has once again been quite a while since I last updated this.

I was doing a quizzy thing on facebook earlier and one of the questions was 'do you scrunch or fold toilet paper?' and it got me thinking... Why would anyone bother to fold it? It takes more time and effort and is blatantly pointless. It would be ok if someone was going to see the toilet paper, but it's going DOWN THE TOILET not to a tea party. There is no need to make it look aesthetically pleasing, especially when it's going to end up with shit or something on it. It's fucking ridiculous. Origami is fine... but not when you're on the toilet. >.<

And ermm... I can't think of anything else to say apart from that I'll update more often... but I always say that, so pay no attention! :P

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