Monday, 16 March 2009

Hamsters and pi...

I've been attempting to teach Jarvis how to use a wheel thingy. He still doesn't understand the concept. I thought his new wheel might be easier to use than his old one, but nopes... it obviously wasn't a problem with the wheel. He's probably the only hamster in the world who doesn't know how to use one. Maybe he's just the thickest hamster in the world. I don't care if he is, he'll always be awesome and cute.

Since pi day I've been trying to memorize pi to lots of digits. So far I can only remember up to about 10 digits, but I'll get better at it. Yes, I have no life.

I spent ages trying to remember what that film with the Jewish boy with the pet mouse in the ghetto was called. After about 2 hours of frantic googling, I finally found out that it was called The Island On Bird Street. It's a really good film. Shame I can't find it online anywhere.

I've been pondering the future a lot recently and I realised yesterday that from Septemberish I'm going to be very lonely. All my friends will be going to uni and I wont be. Really shouldn't have quit college in 2007. Meep.

Gosh, I write boring blogs!

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