Friday 15 May 2009

I made a cake.

I made a cake. It tastes hoobacious, but it looks like crap. It was supposed to turn out all colourful and whatnot but it didn't. Next time I want to make an interesting looking cake I'll use a different recipe. It was fun to make, but it really, really was quite a shame that it wasn't so photogenic. Not only does it taste good, but it feels awesome in your mouth. All in all, I'm quite pleased with it... despite the fact it went wrong.

I'm going to be making a few cakes over the next few days because I need to perfect my cake making skills by Tuesday because I'm going to make my half brother a birthday cake.

Baking is fun.

I couldn't get the picture of it to work for some reason, but it looks like <-- that. =] Hoobletoodledoo.

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