Tuesday 19 May 2009

Oh my gosh...

I think there's something wrong with me... I'm being wayyy too nice for my own good. It's my half-brother's birthday tomorrow and I made him a cake (see picture above)... It's not amazing, but it's the thought that counts... right? It has some Chuggington character on it... I'm not even sure of his name because I've only seen Chuggington once or twice, but he's obsessed with it... hopefully he'll like it... It's pretty darn messy, but hey ho! It needed some blue on it, but I have no blue writing icing or even food colouring.

Anyhow, to add to the freakish niceness, I actually spent over £50 on him. I was only going to get him that rainbow aquadraw thingy (which cost £25) but I was out shopping today and I kept finding cool clothes I wanted to buy him... So he ended up with a super-cool dinosaurified raincoat, a batman tshirt, a buzz lightyear tshirt and some spiderman pjs... I'm not sure he'll be too pleased with those because when I was little I absolutely loathed getting clothes for my birthdays, but maybe as he's only 2 he's too young to really think clothes are stupid.

Oooohh... and I got him a really cool card with some funky giraffes on it from some fair trade shop... and then as I was writing in it I realised that on the inside it has a big thing about thanking the lord... It's quite amusing because I'm the person people would least expect to get him a card like that... It is rather hoobacious though.

Must. Stop. Being. So. Fucking. Nice.

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