I was going to do a blog about when I dyed my hair today... but I realised that as I've had pink hair a zillion times before, it's really not that interesting... I might do one tomorrow though... but for tonight, the dude with the ketchup is much more interesting.
In the pub earlier, a random chav dude (who was evidently completely wasted) came and sat down next to F. He proceeded to make pervy comments about B's tits and eat a few of L's chips. He was talking a load of bollocks and he was dead weird... All of a sudden, he turned super-duper arsey, picked up the ketchup bottle and squirted the entire contents in the direction of L. L and F were covered in ketchup and so was the table and the floor. I almost got hit by some ketchup, but luckily I didn't. It was fucking hilarious (well, I found it amusing anyway)! The people that work in the pub were a bit pissed off and when they told him to leave, he was being all mooby with them... They then told him that if he didn't leave, they'd get the police... So he left... All that over a bit of ketchup! XD The thing that confuses me more than why he did it, is why his weapon of choice was ketchup when he was wearing a WHITE t-shirt! It was a bizarre few minutes!
Later on, we were at a drum & bass thingy above Rascals. The squigglytiddlypeep was moving around a lot. I think he liked the music! The closer I was to the speakers, the more the baby moved. He must have been dancing or something! =D The lighting was fascinating! I'm not usually that amazed by stuff like this, but it had been months since I was last in a place with cool light shizzle! It made my hand look spectacular (see picture). My feet hurt from standing up so much though!
So yes, pretty good night. Must go attempt sleepies now!
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