Friday, 7 August 2009


Hoobledoop! I have nothing interesting to write about once again. If you don't want to die of boredom, please stop reading now. I apologise for even writing this... I'm just so bored right now!

I found a load of stamps yesterday (well, technically the day before) and decided to write some letters. I used to write lots of letters about a year and a half ago... Then I just kind of stopped for some reason. The letters I wrote said nothing interesting and were pretty random, but it felt like I was doing something good with my time. It was super-fun to write things and I drew pictures for people too. Not good, super-artistic things... Just random little things. It felt so good posting them though. It made me feel productive.

Talking of productivity, I'm still in the process of getting rid of lots of stuff I own. I've been sorting out a different part of my room each day. I'm slowly getting to where I want to be with my room. Hopefully in a week or so, it'll be completely different! It's weird that I now have two useable desks when three days ago I didn't have one. In a few more days it'll be down to one useable desk as one of them is attatched to the underneath of my bed thingy and I'm going to dismantle that to make room for the bed from my mum's house.

Ooohhh... My uncle, cousins and auntie are currently in my mums house while she is in Scotland. (If I find out anyone has been sleeping in my room, I'll cut them up into little pieces and feed the chopped up bits of person to Jarvis. >.<) Apparently, one of my cousins (who can't even walk yet) was climbing up and down the stairs and fell down them. Why the fuck were they letting him do that unsupervised? My mum doesn't let my half brother (who is older than my cousin and can walk and stuff) go on the stairs alone. There's a gate at the top of the stairs and a door at the bottom, so there's really no excuse! I'm now worried about Mickey and Sunny (my cats) as if they are that irresponsible with their own son, they obviously can't be trusted with someone elses cats! >.<

Oooohhooohhooohhh... I just realised, I haven't written about Morrissey's good news yet! A few days ago I took him to the vets and he'd put on 25 grams since they last saw him. There was no more talk of putting him to sleep. He was breathing ok and everything. The vet said that I just need to keep making sure he eats and giving him his medicine. His head is going to stay tilted for probably at least a month or so (apparently that's a brainy, inner ear-y thingy). I have to keep giving him his medicine for quite a long time, even if he seems to be better. He's now becoming a lot more lively and stuff. He ate loads of the mush when I was feeding him earlier... The most mush I've ever seen him eat... I'm so proud of him! I know there's still a long way to go with him, but he definitely seems to be on the mend! =D

Blah, blah, blah. Might as well give up on this and consider going to sleep or something.

1 comment:

Aliquant said...

As one of the recipients of said letters, I can confirm it was an hoobaciously productive use of your time!! =D