Monday 31 August 2009

I'm boring!

I've just realised how boring I've become.
I was reading through old blogs from like a year ago and they were a lot more interesting and they were written better... I think it must be because of the lack of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and whatnot. I haven't been drunk since early Febuary (still refusing to spell that correctly...), so obviously that's made my life a lot less interesting! I haven't been legally drunk yet, which is just weird considering I've been eighteen for just over five months! I haven't smoked since like June or July or something. I'm still consuming small amounts of caffeine from diet coke and tea and stuff, but it's been many moons since I last had a can of red bull or red devil... In fact, I'm pretty sure the last can of red bull I remember consuming is the super-huge can I consumed to make myself need to pee enough to take the pregnancy test in Febuary. I've definitely changed a lot since then.

So yeah... I think it all comes down to lack of substances. I'm just not myself anymore... Well, technically I'm more myself. I don't like it at all. I'm just an uber boring version of me. There's a hole somewhere inside me that needs to be filled with stuff that's probably bad for it.

I think I'm broken. I hope it's all down to lack of stuff... If it turns out to be because I'm growing up or something, I'm not sure how I'll fix it. Seven weeks left until I can attempt to fix myself (responsibly of course)... Can't wait!

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