Thursday 14 May 2009

My furball.

Before you start reading: NO JOKES ABOUT FURRIES!

I think I'm going to cough up a furball. I feel like I have a lump of hair somewhere in either my trachea or oesophagus, not sure which. I keep coughing and couging but I just can't get it up (not that, you filthbag- the furball :P). It's horrible and I wish I was a cat because they're supposed to get furballs. I feel like some kind of anomaly. Maybe I'm not really human, or maybe my body is trying to tell me I'm really some kind of human-cat hybrid, that it's been masquerading as human all these years and now it's time to come out of the closet... or cat litter tray. So many possible theories. O_o

Perhaps I'm wrong and it isn't a furball... Maybe it's something to do with my current affliction. I have swine flu (although it's really just a bad cold, but swine flu sounds more dramatic :P)...

Speaking of swine flu, the Egyptian pig massacre was ridiculous... I thought Egyptians were supposed to be clever with all the pyramids and stuff... In fact, why didn't they just lock the piggies in a pyramid for a while so they would have time to research things properly? And then if they still felt like being absolute retards, they could have sent all the piggies to another country... preferably this one because I really want a pet pig.

... Anyhow, back to my cold. It's a nightmare! I filled up a whole bin with used tissues, my nose is a waterfall, my head hurts, my throat is somewhere between sore and itchy and blahblahblahblahblahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. >.< Although I did fall asleep with my head on the dog this morning... could have inhaled and/or swallowed some dog hair I guess. =/

Anyhow, hoobletoodledoo!

1 comment:

Tsirah said...

you might be catwoman