Tuesday 19 August 2008


Y'know that thing that happens when you look through smoke? The one where everything goes all wobbly and distorted? Well, I've just realised that that's like life... Everything's ok, but it seems a lot worse than it is. Like, right now I'm about to go back to school after almost a year of doing fuck all after quitting college. I miss college, I wish I hadn't quit, but would I really want to still be in my mothers house? I'm back with the grandparents. I like it here. I'm majorly freaked out about going to school (mainly because I'll be a year behind all my friends and I'm half convinced I'll quit it after a few weeks). But the thing is, even though school is shit, I'm living where I want to live (well, with the people I want to live with at least because Wales sucks!). I've come up with lots of goals. I know what I want to do with my life (well... kind of, until I'm 22...). Everything is hoobacious, but there's loads of smoke making it seem less hoobacious than it actually is. Meep lol! I'm rambling!

In the next 2 weeks, I plan to sort out my bedroom, somehow lose weight, revisit GCSE stuff because it's been over a year and I don't remember any of it (it might come in handy...) and do a few pieces of art stuff just in case school stuff piles up and I don't have enough time to do some art stuff or anything. See. I'm doing stuff! I can't believe I'm going to spend my last couple of weeks of freedom doing this! XD

And another thing, I need to look cool (well, not cool... but like me, not a clone of everyone else) in school... but I can't find the type of clothes I want anywhere! I think I'm going to look through all the charity shops or something.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop writing about this crap and actually get on with it! Hoobletoodledoo!

Currently listening to: Abigail's Mercy - Meaningless
Currently drinking: Evian water... yum!
Currently located: On the floor by the sofa

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