Tuesday 26 August 2008


Today I changed round my room, threw out loads of crap, organised ALL of my drawers... and wowowow! It's so different... not exactly tidy yet but meeplemop! It's getting there!

It's going to be weird sleeping in my bed. For the last few years it's just been a mattress on the floor. I put a small basketball thing in there in case I get bored up there. Although I will probably have Larry up there with me whenever I'm up there anyway... although I can't find a way to get the wire thingy to go up there without falling out and getting potentially chewed up by Morrissey and Miyavi.

I've just made a new deviantart thing. I didn't like my old username (deadstardust) - it was too depressing and stuff. Really not a me kind of name.

I love chess! The more I play the more secrets I learn. Fascinating stuff!

I keep spilling my tea. Meeples.

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