Monday 4 August 2008

Yet more ramblings of a vampiric weirdo...

Last night I wrote a long blog, realized it was too fucked up to post and copied and pasted it and privately posted it on my LJ. *rolls eyes*

Right now, I'm listening to Night Reconnaissance by The Dresden Dolls. I love that band. I'm also staring out of my window, watching the whole magnificence of the dawn for (probably) the last time as if it were the first and I'm going to set out to become what I shall become. *apologizes for the shameless Interview With The Vampire rip-off* The sky really is beautiful.

This room really is a mess. Strewn around me are empty vodka bottles, fag boxes, coke cans, glasses, plates and paints. Not to mention the crumbs, pet food and hay! I think I need to consider tidying up.

I need to do my CBT. I also need to make my bike perfect. However, to do that I need to go to Manchester and spend time with the stepfather (easier said than done).

I'm reading New Moon at the moment. I'm rather addicted.

Wow... as soon as I looked away, the sunrise disappeared and was replaced by clouds in varying dull shades of grey and white. Outside doesn't look so beautiful anymore.

I can't stop thinking lots of things (stuff I'm not going to write here) and it's bizarre. Most people would think that what I'm thinking is fucked up. I don't. To me it's perfectly usual. (I avoid the word 'normal' like a group of menacing chavs.

Anyways, it's almost time for The Hoobs and I want to finish this chapter first.

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