Saturday 30 August 2008


I'm drubnk.
BUt. meep. this doesnt make this less real.
Went for a waalk in the graveyard. Sat down. Felt presence. He put his arm round me. It wasn't evrn scary. Just sad. Veyr sad.
If I looked direct;y st him I COUL dnt see him, but i xould see him in my peripheral bvisipn. He had short brown haitr swept to one side and somehow I knew he died between 1935 and 1945. MY B35ts are on yhe second world war. He was between 20 nD 35 years old. He was sad. He was lonely. Hw W as sitting rihyt next to me. I', not being weitfd. this acrually happended a nd i t wasd real.
I soudn silly wo im going to srop writing.

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