Monday, 26 April 2010

I baked!

I've been baking... 

I made these: 

A giant, chocolatey cheerio...

The top bit is supposed to say 'Charlotte' in Japanese... #epicfail. The bottom bit says 'SaTAN'. It originally just said 'STAN', but that was boring.
Boring ones...
I then played with the chocolate for a bit. I need to grow up! :P

And yeah, most people reading this probably know about this from twitter. I just thought it was vaguely bloggable about! XD

Oh, and you can find the biscuity recipe here. =]

And just like every time I bake, I must say that I really enjoyed it and I'm going to start baking more often. :P

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Bank: The GOOSEFANNY of the clothes shopping world.

Spent ages writing a blog. Deleted it because I'm so fucking pissed off and have to blog about something else.

I went to Bank (the clothes shop, not the HSBC or anything) today. I bought a top. Didn't try it on because I have a thing about changing rooms and never ever ever try stuff on in shops. The size I got was large. I expected it to be baggy on me because yeah, I may be a lot fatter than I used to be, but I'm not exactly massive. I tried it on about half an hour ago. I only just managed to get my arms through the arm thingys and it wouldn't fasten at all. IT WAS NOT FUCKING LARGE! It was tiny. It would probably fit my 11 year old cousin. Usually a medium would fit me quite nicely, but no... large was extremely small on me. Yeah, I'm pissed off at myself for getting so fat, but I'm even more pissed off at Bank. Having sizes like that is the kind of thing that fuels eating disorders and shit. I'm apparently a healthy weight for my height. I know I need to lose weight to be the size I want to be, but the point is that I'm a healthy weight and a large top was too small for me. It's fucking ridiculous. So yeah, I'm a healthy weight yet I'm fat according to this fucking shop. I'm going to boycott Bank (even though they sell awesome shoes). Even if I manage to lose a lot of weight, I'm still going to avoid shopping there. Stupid fucking cunt of a shop! >.<

Anyhow... in other news, I spent over £100 today so I wont be able to afford much food to nom for a while so hopefully that will help me lose weight and become what society (or just twatty shops like Bank) want me to be. At least I have a table and two chairs (hopefully that's enough to accomodate my fat arse) for the garden!

Whoooooooooosssssssssshhhhhhhhh. I'm going to drink some alcomavag.

Thursday, 15 April 2010


I'm not sure how to word this, so bear with me...

I've been trying to work out how people are so open on their blogs. Like there's loads I want to blog and tweet about, but I'm not sure I want the whole world knowing too much shit about me. I don't particularly want people to know, but I want to be able to blog and tweet about it. Make sense? Thought not. So yeah, how the fuck do people manage to be so open about stuff?

Meep. I just want to be able to openly moan about shit! :P

Meh- off to watch Waterloo Road.

Sign on the door of Costa...


And they spelled inconvenience wrong...
I think.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Turtle Story: Part One.

The mother watched with amazement as the egg hatched. First a small crack appeared. As the crack grew, out popped a leg. Next, a head. Then came another head. She was sure there was only supposed to be one of those. ‘What the fuck?’ she thought to herself as another head emerged. The rest of the egg popped right off and two more heads appeared along with a couple of weird flappy things coming out of the shell.
She was panicking as she had never encountered such a strange being and was unsure what to make of the ‘monster’ she had created. She started gnawing on the third head until it snapped off. She didn’t like the taste and her mind was spinning around faster than a washing machine when it does that super-fast spinny thing, so she decided to have a cigarette to help her calm down.
She smoked and pondered and suddenly felt a wave of guilt and disgust. How the hell could she have gnawed off the head of her offspring? It just wasn’t normal turtle behaviour. She realised she should love her young thing no matter what. After all, her other eggs had been stolen.
She went back to her nest and put some dettol and a bandage where the head used to be. Hopefully nobody would ever find out her deep, dark secret. With any luck everyone would presume it was born with only four heads. She licked each remaining head and snuggled into their one shell to protect them whilst they all slept. When they awoke, she decided to name each head. She named them (from left to right) Fudu, Jack, Sheldon and Kameko.
As time went by, she realised there was something special about her sons...


I'm back online... after less than a day. I've concluded that I need the internet. However, I just don't need to be on it 24/7. I'm seriously going to cut down on the amount of time I spend online. This is the first time I've been online today and because I haven't been online for a while, it's actually quite exciting (even though it's only been just under 18 hours). It seems kind of pathetic that I lasted for that amount of time. I was going to give it at least a day, but I was hoping to be able to last ages without it... maybe even forever.

My reasons for leaving were:
1) I wasn't really doing anything during the day or night... just internetzzzy crap.
2) I kept googling increasingly fucked up things.
3) Stuff I am NOT writing about on my blog.
4) And other shit...

But yeah... I'm back. I'm so happy that I'm back. I'm just not going to be online as much and I'm going to stop googling weird shit.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Leaving the internet. Dunno how long for... Could be forever, could be for a day. I'll see how things turn out.
If I come back I might explain why. CBA right now though.
So hoobletoodledoo!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Scary mergingness...

Hmm... Not entirely sure how to write this without sounding like a complete weirdo... but meep- I sound like a complete weirdo most of the time anyway! =D

Y'know when on facebook a friend becomes friends with another friend you didn't know they knew and then you wonder how they know them? That happens to most people occasionally... but it's getting super-weird for me recently. It's like that's happening, but in two different worlds. That doesn't make any sense, does it? :P It does to me anyway. I'll try explaining.

The two worlds are the real world and internetzzz world. I have people from both on my facebook account. I don't want them getting mixed up. There are certain parts of internetzzz world that I NEED to keep separate for many reasons... but they're just kind of fusing and stuff because someone from the real world is becoming friends with more and more people from internetzzz world.

It's fucking freaking me out. Are people who they say they are? Do people have alterior motives? Is everything elaborately planned out and some kind of big set-up thing? Yes, I realise I sound paranoid... but I'm guessing most people would be in the same situation.

I'm not sure what to do about this. I don't want to have to delete a load of people from my facebook friends list and I don't want to have to completely abandon the internet. =/ Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

But yeah... I probably sound stupid, but I don't care because it's my blog! XD

And if you're reading this and you know I'm talking about you in this blog post- please tell me what the fuck is going on...


It was my 19th birthday yesterday. It feels VERY weird being that age for a number of reasons. I'm also pretty freaked out that in less than a year I'm going to be 20.

I had a party in the house yesterday. I thought it was rather awesome. Guys dressed as girls and girls dressed as guys (although only 2 girls actually bothered). I had a dinosaur birthday cake. There's a picture of it up there ^ It's not a very clear picture, but it was a pretty awesome cake! I think the dinosaur's head is in the freezer bit of the fridge. I might try eating it later. I wonder what frozen icing is like... I hope I don't kill me teethies on it! People got pretty wankered. Four of us went to Tesco at like 4:30am and really quite enjoyed ourselves! We played singstar and concluded that I'm pretty unbeatable! Which is weird, because I can't sing! XD We watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show too, which is always a good thing to do! I had a cleaning spree in the middle of the night. Watched Titanic. Heh, yeah... Good party! XD We seriously pissed off my neighbours though. We were outside in the garden smoking at about 2:30am, when the dude that lives next door came out and started being a twat. Kinda worried though, because we have the same landlord and I'm probably completely screwed if he tells the landlord!

It was a good birthday. Well, the morning wasn't too good because I pissed off my family by being honest about my presents. I actually really liked my presents... I just wasn't completely satisfied with them at first and because I hate lying to people about anything, people got pissed off because I was a bit too honest when I was asked if I like them. I really do like my presents though! Kinda wish my grandmother had bought  me the £60 hoodie she was going to get me. I would have got it if I hadn't said I specifically didn't want clothes for my birthday! =/
-And no, I'm not a selfish bitch. I don't really care about how much people spend and all that jazz... The reason I wasn't satisfied was because of shit like my bag not having a zip, my purse being too expensive when you can get nicer ones for a cheaper price and not seeing the point in people buying expensive makeup. Just had to add that because I realised the above paragraph came out a bit wrong and made me look mean.

Anyhow... HoobletoodledooOO!