Thursday, 1 April 2010


It was my 19th birthday yesterday. It feels VERY weird being that age for a number of reasons. I'm also pretty freaked out that in less than a year I'm going to be 20.

I had a party in the house yesterday. I thought it was rather awesome. Guys dressed as girls and girls dressed as guys (although only 2 girls actually bothered). I had a dinosaur birthday cake. There's a picture of it up there ^ It's not a very clear picture, but it was a pretty awesome cake! I think the dinosaur's head is in the freezer bit of the fridge. I might try eating it later. I wonder what frozen icing is like... I hope I don't kill me teethies on it! People got pretty wankered. Four of us went to Tesco at like 4:30am and really quite enjoyed ourselves! We played singstar and concluded that I'm pretty unbeatable! Which is weird, because I can't sing! XD We watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show too, which is always a good thing to do! I had a cleaning spree in the middle of the night. Watched Titanic. Heh, yeah... Good party! XD We seriously pissed off my neighbours though. We were outside in the garden smoking at about 2:30am, when the dude that lives next door came out and started being a twat. Kinda worried though, because we have the same landlord and I'm probably completely screwed if he tells the landlord!

It was a good birthday. Well, the morning wasn't too good because I pissed off my family by being honest about my presents. I actually really liked my presents... I just wasn't completely satisfied with them at first and because I hate lying to people about anything, people got pissed off because I was a bit too honest when I was asked if I like them. I really do like my presents though! Kinda wish my grandmother had bought  me the £60 hoodie she was going to get me. I would have got it if I hadn't said I specifically didn't want clothes for my birthday! =/
-And no, I'm not a selfish bitch. I don't really care about how much people spend and all that jazz... The reason I wasn't satisfied was because of shit like my bag not having a zip, my purse being too expensive when you can get nicer ones for a cheaper price and not seeing the point in people buying expensive makeup. Just had to add that because I realised the above paragraph came out a bit wrong and made me look mean.

Anyhow... HoobletoodledooOO!

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