Wednesday 7 April 2010


I'm back online... after less than a day. I've concluded that I need the internet. However, I just don't need to be on it 24/7. I'm seriously going to cut down on the amount of time I spend online. This is the first time I've been online today and because I haven't been online for a while, it's actually quite exciting (even though it's only been just under 18 hours). It seems kind of pathetic that I lasted for that amount of time. I was going to give it at least a day, but I was hoping to be able to last ages without it... maybe even forever.

My reasons for leaving were:
1) I wasn't really doing anything during the day or night... just internetzzzy crap.
2) I kept googling increasingly fucked up things.
3) Stuff I am NOT writing about on my blog.
4) And other shit...

But yeah... I'm back. I'm so happy that I'm back. I'm just not going to be online as much and I'm going to stop googling weird shit.


Aliquant said...

Hoobledoop! =] :13329:

lannen said...

glad you're back
but definitely stop googling the fucked up stuff