Tuesday 16 February 2010


DAMMIT! I forgot to take pictures of my pancakes! I wish I was still vegan because I think vegan pancakes taste better! Even so, it was nice having someone else make me pancakes. My grandmother did it for me. She got a pretty nasty burn from the fryingpan though... but the pancakes were exceedingly yumsome even though Polly puked half way through the making of them. Gosh, I love pancake day. I think I'm going to give up crisps for Lent... even though I don't believe in Christian stuff.

I hate JLS, but I found out that if you sing Beat Again to Ike, he laughs his head off. It's hilarious! XD I love it when he laughs! =]

Meep, I have stuff to do, so I'm not going to write anything else here today. Hoobletoodledoo!

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