Sunday, 27 December 2009

The Annoying Mystery Rash.

I'm pissed off. I'm completely covered in a horrible, itchy rash. It's definitely not chickenpox. I've never had chickenpox, but it's the wrong kind of rash for that. Apart from the rash, I feel absolutely fine. I've had to cancel the party I was gonna have tonight because I don't want to risk people catching it because I don't know what it is. No family people have a rash though, so that makes me think it might not be contagious. =/ I originally thought I was allergic to something in the stuff I had a bath in on Christmas day because I'd never used it before and it seemed to be worse in areas where I'd smeared it on myself, but it seems to be worse today than it was yesterday, so I'm thinking maybe it's not that. It's really weird. The spots are all different sizes and some of them are just big patches of redness rather than actual spots... and some of them are turning into weird ring-type-things. =/

I'm so fucking pissed off about it. >.<

Anyhow, christmas sucked. It wasn't too bad... it was just boring. The fact I went out and got completely wasted to the point of puking a lot when I got home on Christmas eve didn't really help. I spent most of Christmas with a hangover. It didn't feel Christmassy at all. It was just like a normal Sunday (even though it was Friday) but with presents. It was nice enough... just fucking boring! I got some great presents though, and people seemed to like what I got them. =]

I can't wait for Casualty tonight. It'll be the highlight of my day now that the party is postponed. It sucks about the party. I have absinthe and everything. It was going to be good. I guess it'll still be good, but it wont be today. It'll suck if nobody can make it whenever I re-plan it for! Bleep. At least postponing it gives me time to tidy up my flat!


Wednesday, 23 December 2009

xmas eve and liberation

I have nothing else I need to do today. I'm just waiting for the baby to wake up for feedage and have been for the last hour. I feel liberated. I can do whatever the hell I want to do. It's amazing. I should have had a bath or something. Not gonna risk it now though. He's bound to wake up soon.

It's now Christmas eve. I'm still like a 5 year old. I can't wait for Christmas. It's going to be weird not being the youngest person in the house on Christmas day though. I don't know why I like Christmas so much. It always ends in immense family arguments. It's great until the arguing starts though, and it's great after it ends. I'm going to get drunk this year because I'm a grown up so nobody can tell me how much alcohol I'm allowed to drink! XD I've been wrapping every present I've bought Isaac. I realised (after wrapping everything) that it's a complete waste of time because I'm going to be the one opening them anyway! Isaac isn't even old enough to really appreciate wrapping paper. I'm silly! :P I have lots to do today. I need to go shopping on behalf of my grandmother to get my grandfather's present, I need to buy something for my uncle, I need to go to pets at home and buy the animals presents and I need to track Santa on google earth. Busybusybusy.

I'm getting fed up of waiting for Ike to wake up. I think I'll try to go to sleep. As soon as I'm almost asleep, he's bound to wake up! XD

Monday, 21 December 2009

Ew. Ew. EWWWWWW!!!

Isaac is out of hospital and he seems to be getting better. All is good.=]

A couple of hours ago, the most horrid and disturbing thing happened to me.
Picture this: You're walking downstairs. All you want to do is innocently get a can of coke from the fridge. You open the living room door. You walk in. You see a naked old man standing by the door to the bathroom. You scream. You run out of the room. You realise you've just seen your grandfather naked. You almost puke. You go hide somewhere upstairs.

Yes. That actually happened to me. How exceedingly gross. I don't know why he was standing there like that. I don't want to know. I just hope I never have to witness it again.Will I ever be able to look at him again? I think not! 

I am deeply disturbed. My grandmother found it amusing... I can see why it's funny now, but at the time I was like 'ewwwww. ewwwwwwwwwww. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.' My grandfather didn't even seem embarrassed. I don't know why. I would have been mortified. I am fucking mortified! =/

Saturday, 19 December 2009


I'm terrible at this whole being a mother thingy. Isaac is in the hospital and I'm not even there with him. He's not alone though... my grandmother is staying there with him. I really want to be there with him, but I could feel myself getting slightly panicky at the thought of staying overnight...Probably because I have bad memories of the ward he is on and the fact that I hate hospitals and can't make myself talk to people there. I still have a chest infection and am coughing quite a lot. I don't think people can catch stuff off me anymore though... but I didn't want to risk spreading germs into a hospital. I need to get some sleep too... Meep. I shouldn't even be trying to justify not staying with him. I should have stayed there, end of.

He seems fine now. Why couldn't they just let him go home? My grandparents house is about a 3 minute drive from the hospital.

I'm rather pissed off. I'm pissed off because I'm not with him, because he has to stay there and because they spelled his first AND last name wrong on things.

Meep. I miss him.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


I know I said I wasn't going to write about boring things anymore, but I'm having an omgi'msoeffingproudofstan moment, so decided I'd be all bloggy and stuff!

I just spoke on the phone to the health visitor (the new one) that I've never met before. I even spoke to the other health visitor yesterday, but I've met her before so even though it was a big deal for me then, this is fucking massive for me! I didn't freak out. I held a conversation. I only answered my phone because it's ringing was annoying me. But yeah, this was the first time ever that I've been brave enough to speak to someone that I don't know on the phone. Usually I refuse to speak to anyone that isn't my mother or a grandparent. Heh, yeah... WOOOSHHHH!! =D *does whatever proud people do* I seriously feel like a fucking lion!

Ooohh, I'm also proud because I also managed to look after Isaac last night when I felt like crap in every way possible! He was a surprisingly good boy though... I think he's probably sleeping more than usual because he caught my lurgy though. =/

 My grandmother is coming out of hospital today. I'm slightly pissed off at her because she was supposed to stay there for 5 days and be all quarantineified because apparently after her operation, she was like a zillion times more likely to get infections or something. She managed to talk them round to letting her out today though. Personally I think that's rather stupid of her, but she doesn't listen to anyone! Yeah, if I was in her position I would probably have done the same because hospitals suck, but mooo- it's still stupid! >.<


Monday, 7 December 2009


I just spent half an hour writing a blog post. I realised it was boring and deleted it. I'm making a promise to myself to never write about  boring, everyday things ever again. I will probably break that promise, but there's no harm in trying to be less mundane.

Friday, 4 December 2009


I actually had a conversation with my grandfather earlier. Usually we don't speak to eachother unless we are arguing. We did argue a little bit, but only about what fifteen plus eighteen equals... It's thirty-three, right? Please say it is... I hate being wrong! I don't think I've ever spoken to him for more than about a minute (apart from when I was really little). It was actually quite interesting. I learnt a lot of random facts about dead family members and family people I've never met.

Apparently I had a great, great aunt Fanny. She died wayyy before I was born, but I found this fact hilarious. Ooohh, maybe she was reincarnated as my fish, Fanny. *ponders* I think I'll ask Fanny about it... I wonder whether or not she'll answer... I bet she will. I just wont be able to hear her because she lives in the water so her voice will be all muffled and fish-like.

My grandfather's uncle died because of a cup of tea... Well, not directly because of a cup of tea (it was more because of heavy, victorian furniture and his father being lazy), but if this cup of tea hadn't existed, he wouldn't have died when he did. Death by panad... What a way to die! I think my granfather's father (the tea drinker) was ever so slightly guilty of manslaughter.

I found out that many of my relatives kept bees. I don't know why that interested me, I just thought it was quite random and interesting.

His brother (who either used to keep bees or still keeps bees) has a glass eye. Apparently, he didn't even know he was blind in one eye until some army doctory dude told him when he was going to do national service or whatever... It amazes me how someone couldn't know they were like 50% blind! I haven't seen him since I was about six and I don't remember him at all... but for some reason I have a memory of a dude with a glass eye that I thought was another one of his brothers (who died a couple of years ago) who I have met quite a few times. He apparently had almost perfect vision... So I'm all confused because I think a memory that isn't even a memory because I don't remember it has got all muddled up with a proper memory. Heh, I think I'm sort of making sense! :P

I think I might have offended him a little when I compared his mother and father's relationship with if I was to go out with a three year old or a thirty-three year old. I was all like 'dude... that is sick and paedoey'. He seemed more amused than offended though... I think... I'm not very good at reading people. I hope he was more amused than offended. I was joking... Kind of.

Heh, yeahh... This blog post is probably very boring to people who aren't related to me, but I found all this stuff interesting and had to blog about it, so sorry if I have bored you to death! XD