Wednesday, 23 December 2009

xmas eve and liberation

I have nothing else I need to do today. I'm just waiting for the baby to wake up for feedage and have been for the last hour. I feel liberated. I can do whatever the hell I want to do. It's amazing. I should have had a bath or something. Not gonna risk it now though. He's bound to wake up soon.

It's now Christmas eve. I'm still like a 5 year old. I can't wait for Christmas. It's going to be weird not being the youngest person in the house on Christmas day though. I don't know why I like Christmas so much. It always ends in immense family arguments. It's great until the arguing starts though, and it's great after it ends. I'm going to get drunk this year because I'm a grown up so nobody can tell me how much alcohol I'm allowed to drink! XD I've been wrapping every present I've bought Isaac. I realised (after wrapping everything) that it's a complete waste of time because I'm going to be the one opening them anyway! Isaac isn't even old enough to really appreciate wrapping paper. I'm silly! :P I have lots to do today. I need to go shopping on behalf of my grandmother to get my grandfather's present, I need to buy something for my uncle, I need to go to pets at home and buy the animals presents and I need to track Santa on google earth. Busybusybusy.

I'm getting fed up of waiting for Ike to wake up. I think I'll try to go to sleep. As soon as I'm almost asleep, he's bound to wake up! XD

1 comment:

DepressionFromNowhere said...

Hope you and Isaac have a lovely Christmas!

And, hey, this way you get to open two lots of prezzies!! =D