Sunday, 21 June 2009

Stage Fright. TMI,

Warning: TMI

The weirdest, silliest thing just happened.

I went to the toilet with the intention of doing a number two. Everything was going normally until I sat down on the toilet seat. As I sat down the baby started moving around a little bit. It made me extremely aware that I wasn't alone in the bathroom. I know he can only see inside my uterus, but it made no difference- I just couldn't do a poo when I was aware of him being so close to me. I wouldn't poo in front of anyone else, so what's so different about him? I know it sounds stupid, but it felt like I was being watched. I sat there for about five minutes unable to poo because it didn't feel right so I gave up and went to blog about it.

I know I'm not going to be able to hold it in until October, but I just couldn't do it. It'll probably be ok next time as long as he's staying still and I'm not thinking about him.

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to share this bit of information with the world, but it made me LOL at myself so I guess it's vaguely worth sharing... Gosh, pregnancy does weird things to your brain! XD


Aliquant said...

LMAO!!! Poo-related stage fright from a foetus! Awesome...

Unknown said...

XD It's like pooing in front of one of my pets... just wouldn't be able to do it... I hope I can convince myself to relieve myself soon though- I have terrible images of what would happen if I didn't poo for four months! ::)