Warning: TMI
The weirdest, silliest thing just happened.
I went to the toilet with the intention of doing a number two. Everything was going normally until I sat down on the toilet seat. As I sat down the baby started moving around a little bit. It made me extremely aware that I wasn't alone in the bathroom. I know he can only see inside my uterus, but it made no difference- I just couldn't do a poo when I was aware of him being so close to me. I wouldn't poo in front of anyone else, so what's so different about him? I know it sounds stupid, but it felt like I was being watched. I sat there for about five minutes unable to poo because it didn't feel right so I gave up and went to blog about it.
I know I'm not going to be able to hold it in until October, but I just couldn't do it. It'll probably be ok next time as long as he's staying still and I'm not thinking about him.
I'm not entirely sure why I decided to share this bit of information with the world, but it made me LOL at myself so I guess it's vaguely worth sharing... Gosh, pregnancy does weird things to your brain! XD
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Monday, 8 June 2009
Naked statues and whatnot.

I love naked statues! They're so funny! I really need to grow out of my infantile sense of humour. I know that many naked statues are supposed to be tasteful and unhumourous, but they're still fucking hilarious! A few years ago in either France or Belgium, there was a statue of a naked bull (yes, I know- most bulls are naked) and it had HUGE testicles. I have a photograph of it somewhere. It's quite possibly one of the most amusing things I have ever seen! Most naked human statues have genitals that are either somewhat in proportion to their bodies or weirdly tiny...
If statues are allowed to be naked outside, why aren't we?! Surely the statues should be covered up too... =/
I took the photograph I put in this blog in an art gallery in Liverpool. There were quite a few naked statues there. I wonder why this angel dude (or whatever he is meant to be) is only clenching one butt cheek and not the other...
Away from the statues!
I'm now addicted to a stupid game on facebook with lots of circles and reactiony things. It's possibly the most pointless, boring game ever created and I'm quite ashamed to be addicted. Every time I close my eyes I see little balls bouncing around, hitting eachother and exploding into big circles. It's the tetris effect all over again... Although I'm not sure it's still called the tetris effect with games that aren't tetris... but I'll call it the tetris effect because I have absolutely no idea what the game I'm addicted to is actually called!
I think I might be getting heartburn again (oh, the joys of pregnancy!). I'm not entirely sure that's what it is though. I'm kind of hoping it is heartburn, so I can use my gaviscon. I got it like a week ago after getting heartburn and never got it again (until perhaps now). I've always been curious about the feeling the woman refers to in the 'What a feeeeelliiinnngggg' gaviscon adverts. I can't wait to find out... Although I can wait for the heartburn to get bad enough for me to consider using the gaviscon. Heartburn is horrible.
Hoobletoodledoooo! =D
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Baby shizz...

I have just been banned from eating spaghetti bolognese because my two year old half brother could eat it less messily. In my defence, I'm eighteen so only just an adult and I was eating it using just a titanium spork. You'd never think I was about to unleash my spawn unto the world. I'm 20 weeks pregnant, so he will be unleashed within the next 20 weeks or so. Scary thought!
I've started buying the occasional baby thing. In the last week I've bought him some jeans, a grey hoodie with dinosaurs on it and a couple of bibs. It feels weird buying stuff now, but as I'm half way through my pregnancy, I need to be buying things because I don't have much money and I'm terrible at saving. It's strangely fun looking at all the baby clothes, but it's kind of frustrating how much fluffy blue stuff there is. I hate it when baby boys are dressed in fluffy baby-blue stuff. Obviously I wont be able to avoid it completely with my squigglytiddlypeep, but whenever possible he will look cool! It's also frustrating that it's June and as he's due in October, most of the stuff in the shops at the moment isn't going to be suitable because it's all summery and stuff. I hope I'll be able to find a suitable amount of baby clothes by October. =/
I had my 20 week scan a few days ago. Everything was fine and I found out that he's a he! He's rather cute... I got bored last night and made the Fishy thing (pictured above). It's a bit silly but hey ho!
Anyhow... I can't decide whether or not I like this year's big brother. It's obviously better than last year because I've watched three days so far. Last year I got bored after the second episode.
I really can't think of anything else to write at the moment, so hoobletoodledooo! =D
big brother,
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