I officially have no life. I am sitting on the sofa watching a shite film and playing QWERTY warriors. I'm getting rather good. I got the highest score today! Woo! Go me! <-- See! I love that game! Incidentally, I just lost the game.
The grandmother didn't tape Casualty for me last night, so I'm going to have to watch it on iplayer, which I'm not too pleased about because I absolutely despise iplayer! Meep. At least it means I still get to see it... I'd hate to be Casualty deprived!
I bought a stylophone on ebay. I can't wait for it to arrive. Stylophones seem rather cool! I'm considering buying a ukulele tomorrow. A blue (or possibly pink) ukulele... because I'm super-cool! *puts on a pair of shades to prove the point* Might buy a violin instead though... but everyone seems to play the violin (although I don't blame them because violins sound beautiful).
The thing is, I want to buy all these instruments and become a street performer of sorts (whilst doing a-levels because I'm sensible) but what I really need to spend my money on is a new camera. My 10 megapixel one got sand in it and broke. =[
I really want to become a street performer though. Being some sort of mime would be hoobacious! There was this dude in Manchester last week, I didn't get a proper look at him but he was on stilts, wearing this super long robe thing and it looked exceedingly creepy in an OHMYGODISOFUCKINGWANTTOBETHATGUY kind of way.
I'm getting people to call me Stan... or stanley. Originally Stan stood for 'smiles thanks and nibbles'. (something about hoobycookies in an msn conversation lol).
Last night me and the dyl were sitting on the top of Bangor mountain and Bangor looked huge in a tiny kind of way. It was beautiful... I was a tad inebriated at the time, but still, It was awesome! I felt like a giant. The world is beautiful, but the people in it are scum.
Anyways, I must dash! Need to watch Casualty on iplayer. Hoobletoodledoo!
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