Sunday, 7 March 2010

Ranty rant...

I think I need to rant.

There's a group on facebook called something like 'join if you were born in the 1990s and don't have a kid or are pregnant'. Obviously I couldn't join! I'm not offended by the group at all, but reading some of the comments made me need to rant. Firstly, it's apparently only chavs that get pregnant under the age of twenty... that's news to me... I wouldn't exactly call myself a chav! XD Secondly, apparently only fat girls who get pregnant. I may be fat now, but that's the result of having been pregnant! I wasn't fat before! Thirdly, people who get pregnant at a young age are all sluts. I'm not a slut. I know anyone can say that, but I'm really not a slut! Fourthly, I read that all teenage mums are skanks who can't bring up their children properly. Ike is only 4 months old, so I haven't exactly brought him up yet, but I think I'll do a pretty good job at bringing him up. Fifthly, apparently most babies with young parents are brought up by their parent's parent. Ha! I can't see my mum doing that! Lastly, there was lots of bitching about young mums being on benefits. Yes, I'm on benefits, but it's not out of choice and to be honest, I'd rather bond with my baby before getting a job. I don't intend to stay on benefits forever and as soon as I can I'm going to get a job and go to college... I just need to work out what I want to do with my life.

There's nothing wrong with having a baby young. People shouldn't bitch about things they haven't experienced. It could happen to absolutely anyone. I didn't expect it to happen to me, but it did. To be honest, even though I didn't plan to get pregnant, having Ike was the best thing that ever happened to me. He's just so fucking awesome.




Julia said...

Good post. I'm offended by those implications and I'm not a mum... nor am I a teenager. But still!

You will do a great job. But you didn't need me to tell you that ;)


DepressionFromNowhere said...

I agree with Julia, it's such a stupid stereotype!

That would be the same here, people would stereotype you if you got pregnant under 20.

IT was a good rant, but try not to let it upset you too much because you're already doing a wonderful job. You're a great mum sweetie.