Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Helena, gardens and masturbation.

I've just been to see Alice In Wonderland. It was great... apart from the fact that HELENA BONHAM CARTER WAS NOT HOT! It was the first time I've watched a film with her in it and not been drooling all the way through. I fucking loved that film (despite the lack of hot Helena).

I think I'm moving house on Monday. Might not be Monday though, but I think it is. I can't wait to have a garden... but the house is tiny and a bit of a shithole... but still... IT HAS A GARDEN! I've never had a garden in my life apart from when I lived with my mum for a while.

I took Morrissey to the vets earlier. He needed his teeth clipping because they were getting super-long. The vet said 'that should help with his mastication'. It made me burst out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter (because it sounded like masturbation for the benefit of anyone who's not dirty minded enough to realise that). The vet gave me a really weird look. He didn't seem to understand why I was laughing. The other vetty person in the room was biting her lip as though she was trying to stop herself laughing. She obviously understood why it was amusing. It was the funniest thing that had happened for a while. Every time I think about it I start giggling again. XD

But yes, byebye! =]

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