Tuesday 2 March 2010


Today I did something big. I'm not going to be specific about it here because...well, people that don't know about stuff might read it! I did something I'd told myself I'd never do again. Something I was absolutely terrified of doing. It sounds like it was a bad thing, but I'm kind of at a point in my life where it's probably a good thing... No matter how many times I tell myself I shouldn't have done it. It was definitely a good thing... I think! Hopefully it will be beneficial.

Not only was it a big thing, but it was something I'd never done before. Yeah, I said earlier that I had told myself I'd never do it again, but there is an aspect of what I've done today that I've never done before. I'm actually very proud of myself. =]

Yeah, very scary, very stressful... but worthwhile... probably!

Heh yeah... most people who read this wont have a clue what I'm on about, but some people will! :P

1 comment:

DepressionFromNowhere said...

It doesn't matter if we don't know the specifics of what you're talking about, it's obviously somethign that's very huge in your life.
So congrats and I'm so glad you have something huge to be proud of!

Well done!