Sunday 29 November 2009


I've been in my grandparentals house for a few days because my grandfather was away. I'm going back home tonight though. I can't wait! My place is a lot cleaner. Can't go back until after my grandfather has been to church though.

Talking of churches...I was actually sickened by everything written on . I spent a while flicking through pretty much everything on the site before I stumbled across this. After finding out the whole thing isn't serious, I now find it pretty amusing. However, as I know there are many people around the world that actually have these beliefs, I am still quite fucking sickened. I'm so glad I stumbled across the disclaimer. If I hadn't, I think I would have spent the rest of my life attempting to track down a fictional character so I could completely rip him to shreds. But yes, my mind is now at rest after finding out that Rev RG Green doesn't actually exist.

I hate that my grandmother likes to watch I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. There have been 2 occasions in the last 3 days where I've turned round to see s****rs on the tv. I have panicked both times. I fucking hate it. If I was alone and had seen something like that, I would not have been able to cope with it at all... Which would be exceptionally bad when I have a baby to look after. There should be some kind of warning or something. Bleeeep! I can't believe I used to love that show years ago. I guess I jsut wasn't as immensely terrified of stuff back then.

I'm drinking Pepsi again... Even though I'm morally opposed to the stuff. It's cheap and tastes good. =/

Anyhows, bye!

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