Saturday, 21 November 2009


I'm not gonna write about any dodgy stuff on here anymore. I now have an anonymous blog that I'm pretty sure will be pretty hard for people to find unless they know where to find it. If anyone wants the link to it, I'll give them it if they ask me for it privately... but only if it's someone I kind of trust and wouldn't really mind reading it. =/

I'm on page 138 of Tempted. It's officially the slowest I've ever read a House Of Night book. Usually with these books, I start reading and barely stop until I've read them. It's not because it's a boring book or anything. It's fucking awesome, just like the rest of them... I just can't concentrate on it very well and I've been kinda busy recently with Ike and moving into the 'flat' and stuff.

I'm currently waiting for Casualty to come on. I don't know what else to say about that, apart from that I'm vaguely excited about it! I like Casualty.

I'm going to start drawing things again. I'm not amazing at drawing, but I used to find it relaxing and stuff... I think the last thing I drew was something in art before I quit sixth form almost a year ago! o_O

Anyhow... Bye.


Julia said...

Can be a good idea to detach personal stuff from public blogs - best of luck with the new one ;)


DepressionFromNowhere said...

<3 Casualty!
Would love to keep updated with how things are with you if you don't mind =)

Take care

Kerry-Louise said...

Hope everything is ok and that your new blog can be of help to you x