Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Are we falling into a cyber abyss?

Golly. I was not anticipating this when I persuaded the grandparents to 'get online'. For the last hour or so, I have been sitting around, helping the grandmother on some facebook game and (im)patiently waiting for the grandfather to finish using my laptop to write his blog. He is such a slow typer (I'm actually having to use the other computer right now) but he needs to learn!

I realise that this is in no way an original, unique or inspiring thing to write a blog about, but I don't really care and I've been pondering about it quite a lot tonight.

I know that once upon a time I didn't have a computer, but these days I can't imagine life without one. I usually spend a minimum of 12 hours a day online and it's rather bizarre to think that when I was a wee nipper I didn't even own a computer. Odd. I guess this is just proof that the internet is taking over lives and our (slowly decaying) planet.

These days, people talk, shop, bank, listen to music, watch tv and do pretty much everything it is possible to do in real life online. The majority of people can connect to the internet anywhere at any time through various mobile devices. Whereas a decade ago, only 'the lucky people' had the internet. With the internet there is virtually no reason why anyone would have to leave the comfort of their own home at all. Personally, I very rarely leave the house (yes, I realise I need to get a life!) and I know I wouldn't be able to cope with a day with no internet. Gosh.. The times, they are a-changin'!

The internet ruins social lives, yet expands friendship networks. Online friends can be just as 'real' as 'real' friends. Years ago, one had to actually meet someone to consider them a friend, these days the majority of people seem to have at least some online friends. Personally, I think I sometimes prefer my online friends... Well, I talk to them more anyway! Where is the line between the real world and the cyber world? Has it been blurred over the years? Has modern technology killed reality?

Because there was a time when the internet didn't exist, there is evidence that the human race can survive without it, but what I want to know is why we became so dependant on it... and what would happen if the internet suddenly stopped working all around the world. What would people do then? Would they sit in despair, not knowing what to do? or would they just get on with life how it used to be in the good ol' days? Would the world come to an end if the internet came to the end? It's a scary thought and I hope I am not alive when/if it does happen.

As I seem to be running out of things to say, I shall stop writing now and write something else when I have something better to say. Well done for reading this, and all apologies if I bored you to death!

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