Tuesday 27 September 2011

Chinese Eyebrows.

So I've spent most of the day in the hospital. I was only going to go get my blood stolen and pulse and blood pressure checked, but they asked me too many questions and because my grandmother told me to be honest I was... so I ended up having to see the psychiatwat and I was waiting around all day. Fucking sucked. And the home treatment team car thing smells like cat food. Vile.

But still, I'm going to have a chinese. Ike is all excited about having 'oodles'. I love my little boy so freakin' much. Not really sure what to write today, but I'm trying to update my blog as much as possible at the moment. I guess I'll just write a load of crap.

I've plucked a little bit of my grandmother's eyebrows. She's never had them plucked before and she can already see a big difference even though I'd barely even started when Ike was climbing all over us. I can't believe someones eyebrows can be there for 60 years never having seen a pair of tweezers! O_o

Ooohh yay! 5 minutes until the chinesey place opens. =D =D =D I'm gonna go write a list of what I want so my grandad can go fetch it for me. Hoooooobletoodledooo!

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