Yes, I realize this will be the third time I've blogged in 24 hours, but I don't care. I need something to do.
Excuse the way my iPod touch Americanizes pretty much everything I write. I'd go back and change everything but I really can't be bothered.
Today has been an absolutely shite day. On top of maisy dying, my laptop died too. Rufus had to go to the place far away where laptops go to be fixed. I probably won't get him back until at least wednesday. It really sucks because that laptop was my best form of entertainment and a lot of sites I go on don't work well on my iPod. If the baby is born before wednesday I probably won't even be able to put pics of him on facebook or anything. It sucks. My farm and cafe will both be absolutely fucked too. I don't know how I'm gonna survive the next few days because I hate using my iPod for too long as it gets annoying. >.<
It's weird how much I rely on the Internet for everything these days. I remember a time (back in the 90s) when I didn't even have a computer let alone the Internet. Life was so much simpler back then. I would just spend my time playing outside with my friends, making dens and playing football and whatnot. Those were definitely the best days of my life... Nothing to worry about apart from getting into trouble for getting home a little late at meal times... Oh, apart from rapists. I remember always being worried about getting raped. After learning what rape was, I expected there to be a rapist lurking in every bush and was quite scared to walk past bushes alone. And quicksand... Everywhere that was muddy was obviously quicksand and it was going to suck me into it or something... I was also worried about tetanus. Every bit of metal I found outside was evidently going to give me tetanus... But for some reason that never stopped me from playing with random bits of junk I found out there. Heh, kids are weird. If they hear a story about something they always get unnecessarily paranoid and stuff.
Gosh, I'm waffling. Probably because I'm bored. I can't even go talkto my grandmother because she's entertaining my 11 year old cousin who is staying here tonight. Meeeep. I miss maisy. Doris is very sad too.
Anyhows... I'm gonna go to try and find something to do. I might finish packing my hospital bag or something... What the hell do people do without the Internet?!
Friday, 16 October 2009
R.I.P. Maisy. =[
There was a phone call at nine o clock this morning. It was the vet to say Maisy had died during the night. They had tried their best to save her and there was apparently someone with her most of the night.
Her body was all sprawled out, but she looked kind of peaceful. One of her eyes looked like it was stuck together with blood. The other just looked like she was sleeping. I wrapped her up with the sleeping eye facing upwards. Her body was very, very cold and stiff. For some reason her ears weren't. Apart from her being dead, she was the same old Maisy. When I was wrapping her up in the black fabric, it was really difficult to wrap up her head. It felt wrong. Eventually I managed to force myself to wrap up her whole body. I put her in a little box with birds and stuff on it.
I put a load of sunflower seeds in the box. Maisy liked sunflower seeds. I also wrote her a letter. I bought a plant pot and put some chrysanthenums and cyclomen in it. I also planted some dwarf iris bulbs too and hopefully they should grow in the spring. Maisy is buried in the box inside the soil. We had a little funeral for her.
I'm going to print off a photo of her or something and make some form of memorial thing with her name and stuff on it to put in the pot.
I'm going to really miss her. She was an awesome gerbil. She always used to jump straight into my hand and she liked to climb inside my clothes. She really shouldn't have died this young. =[
Thursday, 15 October 2009

Maisy (the beautiful gerbil pictured above) is very sick. She has to stay at the vets overnight and stuff so they can inject her with things and stuff to try and make her better. There's quite a big chance that she wont survive. I really hope they can save her. =/
I'm glad it was the male vet that saw her. I fully trust him to look after her properly because he's really good with rodents and stuff. He helped fix Morrissey and unlike the female vet that works there, he never once tried to talk me into euthanasia.
It was horrible when I found Maisy earlier. She was just lying in the green house thing. Usually when I open the cage door, she's the first one to come running out to me. She didn't move today. I tried everything to get her to move even just a little bit. I even put a sunflower seed right in front of her face and she didn't even seem to notice. Her eyes weren't even open. I ended up lifting up the house and kind of tipping her out of it. When she was out of the house she just lay there on the floor with her eyes closed. I could see that her breathing made bigger movements than it should. I phoned the vets and they said to take her straight there. Her symptoms are very similar to the symptoms Morrissey had when he had pneumonia. When I picked her up, she was all limp in my hand and she was quite cold. I could also feel her bones in her back. =[ I hate how quickly they deteriorate. Maisy was absolutely fine the day before yesterday. Then I gradually started to see less of Maisy and more of Doris... Then this. =[
I'm really worried about her. I'm also worried about Doris because ever since Maisy has been away from her she's been acting all sad. She's very lonely. The gerbilarium doesn't look right with only one gerbil in it.
But hopefully she'll get better. I can't wait for about 9am when I'll be able to get an update on how she's doing.
I really, really, really hope the vet will be able to fix her... He's been amazing with both Polly and Morrissey in the past, so I have faith in him. I kind of have a bad feeling about Maisy though. Gerbils are so tiny. =/
*Crosses fingers for Maisy to get better*
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Yesterday I had a surprisingly nice day despite being pretty sleep deprived. I went to my mother's house and we went on a family jaunt to Heaton Park... Not usually the most exciting of places considering it's basically just across the road from her house and I've been there millions of times. It was definitely nicer than usual though... Probably because the ducks were being rather sociable.
Ducks have beautiful feet. They're so pretty! I was absolutely fascinated by ducky feet. I spent quite a while just looking at their feet. I took quite a few ducky pictures, but the one I took of the feet is my favourite... Probably because I like duck feet so much! Gosh, sometimes I wish I was a duck! I spent a long time talking to and watching the ducks. They were so awesome! I know I've seen the ducks many times before, but I'd never really fully devoted my attention to them. I l0ve ducks!
After spending an awfully long time looking at the ducks, I turned round and realised that my mother and half-brother had disappeared. It was just me and my grandmother. They had gone to see the animals and stuff. Me and my grandmother decided we couldn't be bothered going to see the animals (it is all uphill from the lake and being this pregnant, it wouldn't have been fun) so we went to the little cafe thingy. I had a slushie thing, a kitkat and a packet of crisps. It was rather yummy. Eventually people came back and we started walking back to my mother's house.
The weather was getting increasingly worse. It was all rainy and stuff... Not that I minded. I quite like rain. It made my favourite boots all dirty and stuff though. >.< My half-brother was asleep in his pushchair thingy and my mother decided he needed to be kept dry (he didn't have a waterproof coat or anything) so she used her coat to protect him from the rain. It was hilarious because it looked like she was pushing around a dead body in a pushchair! XD
Ooohh... when we were in the park we kept seeing sets of three magpies. A little unnerving as I'm supposed to be having a boy and three means it's a girl! XD The squirrels were being quite cute though, but I didn't get any photos of them as my camera was in my bag for the whole time we saw the squirrels.
Before I went to my mum's house, I went shopping in the hope of finding stuff for my hospital bag thing when I give birth... I couldn't find an actual bag, but I bought PJs and knickers and stuff in primark. Meeps. Hopefully I'll be able to get a bag today and finally be able to start packing!
Anyhows... Have a lovely day and hoobletoodledoo!
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