Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The Love List (and recent news)

A (rather pointless) list of things I love right now... Not including the stuff I alwas love like Isaac, my pets, The Hoobs, Star Trek, Morrissey etc.

1. The fact that spiderman sketti shapes are one of your 5 a day.

2. The gruffalo.

3. Malteasers.

4. Strawberry spock-shakes. (Strawberry milkshake made in a spock glass)

5. Dragonage: Origins... Actually, sexbox in general.

6. Not being hungover.

7. Spraying spray cream into my mouth.

8. Swimming (with special thanks to my rash vest).

9. Poundland.

10. Bollocks. I can't think of any more.

Recent news:

Ike was beatboxing last night. It was hilarious. He's getting really grown up. He understands pretty much everything you say to him. Oh, and he's saying loads of words now. I've taken him swimming (which I've just rediscovered after 8 years) twice in the last couple of weeks and he absolutely hated it both times. He cried the entire time... I guess he'll get used to it though.

Swimming is amazing. I'm so happy I found a solution to my whole lack of being able to go swimming problem. I'm a bit pissed off now though because I have a stupid fucking period and all I wanna do is go swimming... but I can't because of that. Yeah, I could use a tampon, but even that seems effing gross in a swimming pool. =[

And OMFG I went to asda today and I bought sanitry towels without getting someone else to go for them for the first time ever! XD  I feel like a proper grown up.

Erm yeah... away from swimming and periods and swimming and periods.

I don't think I've blogged about this, but my little Morrissey died the other week. He's now buried in the garden. I miss him loads. He was like my best friend. =[

Anyhow... I'm gonna go get Ike ready for bed now. HoobletoodledooO!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

The Hate List

Hoobledoop bloggosphere. I know I've abandoned you recently, but I thought this'd be an appropriate place to write a hate list ... because I hate a lot of things right now.

1. The general population of earth-inhabiting fuckers. (List of specific people is currently being written elsewhere where people can't read, get offended and kill off people on my like list one by one.)

2. The overuse of commas.

3. More or less than three dots being used when people try to use an ellipsis. (I would add the overuse of the ellipsis to the list, but I'm guilty of that one :P).

4. The internet being a twat.

5. My habit of spending too much money on alcohol, only to end up severely hungover for an entire day afterwards. Makes drinking seem incredibly pointless.

6. Having to wait epic amounts of time for appointments that are supposed to be at a specific time.

7. Seeing people I know in the shops and having to talk to them.

8. The fact that I have just rediscovered swimming after like 8 years, but can't go because of stoopid twunty periods.

9. Me and Ike having to sleep on the sofa every night because I'm too damn lazy to finish off Ike's room.

10. Getting stuck on sexbox games. 

11.  Spelling checkers not allowing 'hoobledoop',  but allowing 'sexbox' and 'twunty'.

12. Swallowing big tablets.

13. Not being able to see the tv properly if I sit on the floor.

14. People making me panads with nowhere near enough sugar in them.

15. My grandfather's singing voice.

16. The shape of my saggy belly.

17. People who promise things and then don't stick to what they've said.

18. People confusing me with unexpected sarcasm.

19. Getting my hopes up about getting post, but it turning out to be post for previous residents of my house.

20. Skinny people... especially when they're skinny after having a baby!

21. Crotch holes in jeans.

22. Crowded shops.

23. The paint that wont come out of the sleeve of Ike's coolest ACDC top.

24. Not being able to find an outfit that looks good with my awesome leggings.

25. Spending money on things that turn out to be shit. (bought the most vile cheese pasty earlier,  but had to eat it because I couldn't afford to waste money)

26. People dictating to me how I should raise MY son.

I'll add more tomorrow. I may even write a love list. =]