Thursday, 7 January 2010


This year I made a few new years resolutions. There are only two I'm determined to stick to though- losing weight and playing my guitar every day.

For the last couple of years I haven't really played the guitar much. I think I've become kind of crap at it. I need to get better. I used to find playing the guitar really relaxing and it was one of the few things I really enjoyed. I have three guitars and they're all just kind of sitting around... it seems kind of pointless having them if I don't play them. At the moment they're just kind of decorations. That will change. I'm going to play guitar every day. I really need to get my plectrums, my amp, my pedals and Sid (my oldest guitar) from my grandparentals house. I need to improve... Especially because I want to start teaching Ike to play guitar from whenever he's old enough to actually hold one. I'm considering getting in touch with my old guitar teacher and seeing if I can get lessons off him again. In my opinion he's better at guitar than pretty much anyone in any band I know of. I wouldn't want anyone else teaching me guitarishness. Anyhow, that's basically all. I'm going to stick to this resolution no matter what. =]

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