There was a field on the way there with zillions of sheep in it. I've never seen that many sheep crammed into one field before... and considering I live in Wales, that's pretty pluckin' impressive!
Me and my friends got in for free because we used J's blue eyeliner to make it look like we had the stamps you needed to get in to the musicy place. It wouldn't have mattered if we hadn't succeeded in getting in... the music was pretty shit (in my opinion).
We spent ages erecting (lmao!) my sexy new tent. We didn't bother reading the instructions and ended up switching round two of the poley thingys with the top bit of shizzle still over the general tent... If that makes any sense... If it doesn't make sense- we spent way too long putting up a tent of average difficulty and ended up looking like absolute idiots! =D I love my new tent, even if it is quite a boring looking one.
I opened a bottle of strawberry beer with a fence. M accidentally smashed a whole bottle of wine.
There was literally no vegetarianified food there apart from candyfloss, so I nommed candyfloss... I love candyfloss! Hoobloads of sugarsugarsugarrrr!
It was a pretty good night... especially for a sober night!
Despite having no sleep whatsoever and half-noticing someone open the zip on the tent in the night (only the outsidey zip though), somehow something belonging to every person in the tent was stolen. My WKD went missing (we found the bottle empty later on >.<)... Seriously?! Who the fuck steals a pregnant person's alcohol?! Inconsiderate fannyholes! J's shoes were stolen... They turned up later on in someone elses tent... Apparently lots of people there had their shoes stolen and when we looked in the field next to the camping place, there was shoes scattered everywhere! And worst of all C's bag got stolen... I'm not sure whether she got it back or not... but it had her camera, glasses and everything else in it! I hope she retrieved it in the end. I'm not sure how any of this happened as I was awake all night and I think C and J were awake most of the night too. I found all of this shizz infuriatingly hilarious... or hilariously infuriating... but seriously, whoever did this stuff is a fucking twat... Oh, and M's glasses snapped in half... So that makes specsavers twatty too!
But then I saw a moo cow with a sheepy friend and all was good in the world...Although then I couldn't get my sleeping bag back in it's bag, which made me a little sad... So I dressed like a turd (I wore like all my clothes!) and wrote on my face.
All in all, it was hoobacious! Apart from the pregnancy related crap, which I will write about in my pregnantness blog rather than here because it seems like the right place to write about it... Oh, and apart from the fact I may have caught some form of disease from C!
Anyhow... gonna go moan about stuff in my pregnancy blog and then try to have a nap. hoobletoodledoo.
Helo Charlie- meanie-veggie- preggie person! Hey I wouldn't boast about not paying to get into a charity event. 1/2 proceeds are going to Motor Neurone Disease, 1/4 To Llanfairfechan Canrival,1/4Football team. Hey maybe these things don't matter to you- your views might change after giving birth or whatevere might come out of your fannyhole but you come accross like a very seflfish uneducated person. As a farmers wife we are serious about the environment and animal welfare. I personally went round the fields to pick up ALL left over ruBbish including broken bottles you broke to make ure no sheep would get injured or try to eat your leftover candyfloss in bag!!!!!
As I went around the field in the morning I understood after talking to campers that yes some arsehole did throw around shoes but like you these thieves/idiots are a minority.
BY THE WAY DO ME A FAVOUR PICK UP A GUITAR try and come up with something better and sing in front of 400 people and speake to me later and see what people think of you.
Ohh by the way it is not recommended to drink whilst pregnant.
I'm not 'boasting' about getting in for free. I was merely writing about the fact that it happened. It was a spur of the moment experiment-type-thing that just happened to succeed. If it had failed, we would have paid. £10 is a little expensive though. £5 would have been a better price. Some people can't really afford that much money. If it's any consolation, I bought drinks and stuff there and gave a few quid to the people going round collecting for charity, so didn't go the whole night without giving any money. You're right about the football team and Llanfairfechan carnival not mattering to me, but as my grandmother has a similar condition to motor neurone disease, I actually care about that cause. My grandmother had actually been considering going to Llanffest, but didn't in the end. She would not have been able to manage if she had gone. I noticed a lack of disabled portaloos and although there wasn't any steps or anything anywhere, it wasn't the most accessible of places. If you care that much about people with motor neurone disease, you would have made sure it was easy for a severely disabled person to go and enjoy the event like everyone else by at least hiring a disabled portaloo.
I didn't mean that the music was actually shit... I said it was shit in my opinion. I didn't like the music, but the musicians were generally quite talented and the music wasn't actually that bad apart from the fact it wasn't to my taste. Not everyone has to like everything. I respect them for playing in front of that many people. I play guitar, but I wouldn't be able to play in front of that many people without fucking up.
As a vegetarian, I am also serious about the environment and would like to point out that I didn't personally break any bottles, there was none of my candyfloss left over and I took home a bag of rubbish and am pretty sure I didn't personally leave any rubbish behind. I don't remember there being any bins (not saying there wasn't any, but when I looked for one I couldn't find one). If you cared about animal welfare that much, you would have made sure there was somewhere people could easily have put their rubbish.
I wasn't exactly drinking. I had literally a few sips of alcohol and consumed less than one unit.
Oh, and I would like to point out that I'm not selfish or uneducated. :P
"Oh, and I would like to point out that I'm not selfish or uneducated. :P"
^ *agrees wholeheartedly*
Yay for new tentageness and hoobloads of candyfloss! Moo, I was gonna write some other happyfied shizz but that mooby person has shat on my good mood :P
But I do have to ask: what disease?! o_O
The disease that fucks up your voice a bit, makes you sneeze and is possibly deadly... Not an STD or anything! :P
Motor Neuron disease is a mussle degenrative disease and you die of it- Dylan the guy the gig raised money in memory for,died at 42. There was also a family, who's father also has MND, there at the night helping to sell Llanffest T-shirts for M.N.D. They have read your comments and we've been told are very upset.
There was a disabled portaloo in the shed!!! It was busy you might not have seen it. The shed was totally accessible for disabled people- no steps and disabled cars/taxis were able to access right up to the entrance of the gig. A friend came to the gig in a wheelchair last year and we had no problems!
Pregnant at 18 doesn't seem intelligent to me!!
To "Anonymous"
How unbelievably rude of you to be commenting on 1)someones intelligence and 2)the fact that they are pregnant at 18 !!
Not quite sure if you are aware up there in your field but 18 is actually considered can can get married without your parents can leave home and you can write blogs describing why you didnt actually really enjoy an event !!
None of her blogs were actually personally aimed at you or anyone else please stop being so damned rude !!!
Quite frankly, if people get upset reading things I have written, they get upset way too easily! I didn't aim to offend anyone (apart from maybe the twats who went around stealing things).
If there was a disabled portaloo, I didn't notice it. I'm not saying there wasn't one, but maybe it should have been signposted or something.
It saddens me when I see someone who evidently can't spell calling me unintelligent. Unless you are actually dyslexic or something, I'm obviously more intelligent than you when it comes to spelling. I'm not saying my spelling is perfect, but it's definitely a lot better than yours.
Is it really any of your business that I'm 18 and pregnant?! I think not! It does not make me unintelligent and there's no law against it. Having a baby will not prevent me from doing what I want to do with my life. Being young doesn't automatically mean I will be a bad mother. I'm quite sure a child would rather have me as a mother than a sanctimonious, narrow minded, older person.
Hey Charli,
I notice that your influence and fame seem to be affecting many peoples' tranquillity of mind. May I ask you not to mention your opinions in a private blog, as your hallowed comments may offend anonymous complainers?
Furthermore, I find it disgusting that your appreciation for all human life and your unwillingness to harm anything (as shown by your veganism) is not an educated reason to have a child. Couldn't you research the issue a little better and realise that it's your choice, and that random strangers should butt out? They certainly shouldn't condemn a life choice without first understanding the details.
Yours Truly
A Friend
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