Tuesday 15 September 2009


I'm badddd! I bought three fishies... I kinda, sorta used some of my health in pregnancy grant to get them. I can sort of justify that by pointing out that fishies are supposed to be calming, relaxing things so they're nice and healthy for me! XD Heh, I kinda feel a bit guilty about it though (especially as I've bought two new pairs of shoes recently) so I'm going to resist buying anything that isn't baby related or necessary for a while. I'm going shopping tomorrow though, so it's gonna be difficult! I guess I'll just have to stick to baby-related shops!

My fishies are hard to take good photos of as I'm not an experienced fish photographer, so I made a video instead because it was easier. Gosh, videos take forever to upload! The weird looking whitey one with all the spots and strange eyes is called Phlegm, the black one is called Fooki and the normal looking white one with gold bits is called Fanny. Yeah, they have silly names, but fish can get away with it.

So yesh, those are my new fishies. I think they're rad (even though I originally wanted to get tropical fish). It's been ages since I had fishy friends! XD


1 comment:

Aliquant said...

they're hoobacious XD
*waves at P, F and F*
><> ><> ><>