Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Finally, something to blog about!

For years, I've felt extremely uncomfortable with general signs of affection. Everything from hugs to putting Xs at the end of stuff. Yeah, I'll hug anyone when I'm drunk, but when I'm sober it's a different matter.When I'm drunk people tend to think I'm more of a normal, person because of that! XD However, when sober (which, unfortunately is most of the time) I hate hugs and everything. I'd say in real (sober) life I'm kinda like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory when it comes to affection.

People think it's weird that I rarely put Xs at the end of shit online and in texts. There are a couple of people that I force myself to Xify online because I'm afraid it'll result in people being twatty with me and therefore the loss of friends/drinking buddies. I don't know why I hate doing it so much. It just makes me feel way too awkward for my liking.

Anyhow, thanks to the genius of The Purple One, I've come up with a way to do the whole X thing without feeling awkward. Because I hate over the top 'big hugz hunniiiii xxxxxxx <3' shit, I'm gonna do that to everyone at the end of everything for at least 24 hours to see how it goes. Doing the thing I hate in an over the top manner might simultaneously make it highly amusing and make me look less weird. It's gonna be hilarious.

So like, BIG HUGZZZZ MY HUNNEEEEZ! <3<3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S. I'm officially a trainee trekkie and I'm becoming a little obsessed with Star Trek! XD


Aliquant said...

zommmmmmgggggg you're soooooooooo awesome I luv uuu soooooooooooo much big hugzzzz hunniiiiiiiiii!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xxxxxxxxxxxx


PS - Trek ftw! ;D

lannen said...

sounds awesome stan

and welcome to the would of star trek
