Anyhows. I've been in hospital for... I dunno, at least a week I think. I'm crap at being sociable, but I've been venturing away from my bed so that I can observe people. I've given people nicknames in my head. So far there's Santa, Statueman, Bush (if you read my last blog post you'll know who that is), Usher and Griphook. I'm sure I'll thInk of names for everyone else soon. I'm actually going to make a comic strip thing based on people in there whenever I can be bothered!
But yeah, tonight I'm going to be the only female person on the ward, so I get a big room to myself. Which means I get to watch star trek in bed without having to use headphones.
Anyways, that was just a quick update. Gotta get my stuff together as I have to be back at the hospital in 20 mins. Byes.