Wednesday 6 June 2012


I have chickenpox. It's really annoying, especially because I've been quite ill with it in the form of a horrid headache, a sore throat and general acheyness. The spots look horrid. It's really difficult to resist scratching them. My nana says she has seen loads of cases of chickenpox, but none as bad as mine. She hasn't even seen any as bad after looking at pics online. I just want the pox to fuck off asap. I'm fed up of staying indoors.
Ike had the pox a couple of weeks ago (I caught them off him) and his whole body had only about as many spots as my arm... and apart from the itchiness, he seemed fine. I wish I'd had it at the age of two. I feel so stupid having a childhood illness at the age of twenty one. I wish I'd had chickenpox as a child. =[

In other news, my coccyx still occasionally hurts, but my foot (not sure whether I blogged about that) seems to be pretty much better.